Interested in Becoming an Umpire?
We are always looking for new umpires. If you would like to learn more, visit
You have reached the MAC-NVBUA association member payment website. You can pay your annual association dues with a credit or debit card. Click on the button below to proceed to the application.
Life Member Waiver of Dues
NVBUA Life Members are not required to pay the Annual Association Dues. However, life members must pay the state fee to umpire for scholastic games and the background check fee.
2025 Application Now Available!
If you prefer, you can pay your annual dues online by clicking on the button below. To pay by check, download and complete the 2025 Membership Form and send your payment to Dave (address below).
You may also bring your application and payment to our in-person association meetings in January and February.
Pay before March 1, 2025, to get a $15 prompt dues discount!
Dave Disselhorst, NVBUA Treasurer
8511 Virginia Avenue
Annandale, VA 22003