Editor’s Message
Greetings, NVBUA/MAC umpires, and welcome to the official re-launch of the Blue Crew News! And a special welcome to our rookies and those recently joining the association who may have umpired elsewhere! I want to begin by thanking Dave Maher, our president, for asking me to serve the association as editor. Dave kicks things off for us nicely with the first of what will be a regular feature, The President’s Message.
Next, I’d like to thank Tim Strutzel and Norm Gordon, the original editors of Blue Crew News. Norm and Tim set a high standard of excellence that we will attempt to echo. Tim is continuing as co-editor and will bring a great deal of experience identifying the premium content to maximize your development.
Association Meetings
- Sunday, March 2 - Virtual - 7:00 pm
- Sunday, April 6 - Virtual - 7:00 pm
- Sunday, May 11 - Virtual - 7:00 pm
Save the Date
- Saturday, December 6 - 2025 Association Banquet (Time and Place TBD)
Presidents Message
I want to welcome you to the first installment of the Blue Crew News! I hope you will take a look at all of the features we have been working on, and I hope you will return to these pages often.
NEW FOR 2025! Movements from the C Position — Two-Umpire System. Learn more about these new movements. Also, see our cage training schedule. All umpires need to sign-up to get ready for the season.
Vin Vena and Greg McEvoy provide rule expertise to enhance your rule knowledge and increase your calls’ confidence. Review the new and changed rules for 2025 and this year’s Point of Emphasis (POE).
Umpire Profile
Blue Crew Blues
Fellow umpires, when our newly elected Association President began his noble life adventure four decades ago, he recalls, “no one started with less experience than I did.” Now, you might be tempted to interject that most of us began as beginners, and of course, you’d be right. But wait a moment, please. Dave Maher did not know how to get appropriately dressed way back then. The forlorn young fellow wore his shin guards outside his pants. And he’s still bemused recalling how his plate shoes in those earliest games were odd and awkward due to that clumsy protective tongue “flapping all over the place!”
BCN Staff/Contributors
- Editor – Robert Fobian
- Co-Editor – Tim Strutzel
- Co-Editor – Mike Chmar
- Presidents Message – Dave Maher
- Mechanics – Paul Porto
- Rules – Vin Vena & Greg McEvoy
- Umpire Profile – Gary Reals