Vin Vena and I would like to welcome you to the 2025 season. I’m sure everyone is excited to get back onto the field. In preparation for your season and to support you throughout your 2025 season, Vin and I will be providing rule expertise to enhance your rule knowledge and add more confidence in your calls. In addition to our BCN articles, Vin and I are available anytime you have a question…just give us a call. So, let’s start off and take a quick look at the 2025 rule changes and Points of Emphasis.
2025 NFHS Baseball Rule Changes
Non-wood bats, just like wood bats, will be allowed to have “drying agent” on the bat handle not to exceed 18 inches from the knob.
- Rule 1-3-2c1 –“…Slippery tape or similar material shall be prohibited. Resin, pine tar or any drying agent to enhance the hold are permitted only on the grip on the bat not to exceed 18 inches from the base of the knob. Molded grips are illegal.”
Modified the definition of forfeiture to add Coach and Team Personnel to rule
- Rule 4-4-1c “…delays more than a reasonable amount of time in resuming play, or in not obeying the umpire’s order to remove a player, coach or team personnel (3-3-2) for
violation of the rules; or…” - An ejection is a serious violation of sportsmanship and game decorum. To aggravate the violation with a game forfeiture is egregious and contrary to the basic premise of education-based athletics.
- Forfeiture should only be used in extreme situations and as a last resort.
2025 NFHS Baseball Point of Emphasis
When a topic is included in the Points of Emphasis, these topics are important enough to reinforce throughout the academic year because they are not being given proper attention. For the 2025 high school baseball season, attention is being called to:
Use of Authenticated Mark Program Balls (Rule 1-3-1)
- Proves that the conforming equipment is essential to the integrity of
- contests played under the NFHS rules.Not to be confused with NOCSAE mark
- If no authentication stamp
- If discovered prior to start of game; Teams determine if play is to start.
- If discovered after start, offended Team determines if they wish to continue play.
- Umpire Crews have no jurisdiction in this matter. The Offending Team has reporting responsibility.
Pitching Positions (Rule 6-1-1, 6-1-2, 6-1-3)
One of the most talked about and modified rules in the history of NFHS rules writing. Pitchers are required to use one of two positions: the wind-up or the set. The position of the pivot foot determines which of the pitching positions is being used.
- Wind-Up Position – The pitcher’s pivot foot is in contact with the pitcher’s plate and is not parallel to it. They may only deliver a pitch or step backward off the pitcher’s plate with the pivot first.
- Set Position – The pivot foot is in contact with or directly in front of and parallel to the pitcher’s plate.
Bench Decorum
- Sportsmanship, or good sporting behavior, is about treating one another with respect and exhibiting appropriate behavior.
- Umpires need to hold Coaches and players accountable for their behavior.
- When unacceptable behavior is observed, the Umpire Crews are expected to take immediate action to address it.
Use of Props
- There is no logical purpose to have props at an education based athletic event.
- The use of props or any items to demean or embarrass one’s opponent is contrary to the reason the NFHS writes playing rules for high school age and skilled students.
- Umpires should treat props the same as unacceptable behavior and use the graduated approach to stop it.
Improper Use of Communication Equipment (Rule 1-6-1, 1-6-2, 3-2-5)
- Last season was the first year of allowing one-way electronic communication devices.
- From the dugout/bench to the catcher…for the purpose of calling pitches and setting up the defense. The device would only be able to be used one-way.
- Players cannot use an electronic device to respond to or communicate back to the coach.
- Various technologies, ear-piece style, electronic band or a smart watch could be used giving schools several options at varying costs.
- No other player would be able to wear or use this device nor would the coach be able to communicate with any other player using electronic communication.
Don’t hesitate to reach out. Have a great season.
Greg McEvoy
[email protected]
Vin Vena
[email protected]
Table of Contents
Issue #1 – January 20, 2025
Letters to the editors welcome at [email protected]