Editor’s Message
What exactly is “Enhancing The Umpire Experience”? For over two years, I’ve been giving thought to what that means and the goals I would want to achieve should I be given the opportunity to do so. There are so many aspects to the umpiring experience both on and off the field.
How can we, here at BCN, help everyone become the best they want to be while making it fun to read? There’s a delicate balance that needs to be struck and hopefully you see this publication as the continuation of the bi-weekly pregame…with a twist or two along the way.
Association Meetings
- Sunday, April 6 - Virtual - 7:00 pm
- Sunday, May 11 - Virtual - 7:00 pm
Save the Date
- Saturday, December 6 - 2025 Association Banquet (Time and Place TBD)
Presidents Message
Today, I want to talk about ratings, by asking a select group of leaders within the association, to comprehensively evaluate our umpire ratings system with the goal of improving it.
One of the challenging tasks for new baseball umpires is understanding all the requirements and responsibilities for managing lineup cards, and the mechanics of doing so.
Interference is a violation against the offense to include Batter Interference, Batter Runner Interference, Runner Interference and Coach Interference. Batter Interference – Know the Difference.
Special Article
In our umpiring experience, there is normally an opportunity to not only perform to the best of our abilities, but to also learn from our mistakes, mentor our partners, and explore received information in order to improve future performance.
Umpire Profile
Blue Crew Blues
In preparation for our March Blue Crew Blues Edition, your Profile Reporter had the urge to dive into the frigid waters of the Potomac to get the poop on his next subject. May I say the adventure into Maryland was well worth it! Stay tuned please for a March 17th reveal. -Gary Reals
New Section – Umpire Resources
Need to get new umpire equipment or update your uniform? Check out our new “Umpire Resources” section with “Adamczyk’s Attic.” Ron Admaczyk has pulled together a great list of options for you get what you need.
BCN Staff/Contributors
- Editor – Robert Fobian
- Co-Editor – Tim Strutzel
- Co-Editor – Mike Chmar
- Presidents Message – Dave Maher
- Mechanics – Paul Porto
- Rules – Greg McEvoy & Vin Vena
- Umpire Profile – Gary Reals
Letters to the editors welcome at [email protected]